Here you will find the links for everything Albania. it will take me some time to agregate all my productions

You can see Albania stories

on my images database

The cathedrals of communism. Graphic project. les cathédrales du communisme

Albania second edit limited access

Albanian stories 40 years of images

Albania. Before after project.

30 years after I find out some people I met during the dictatorship and they told me their story

Albania posts already published

ALBANIA, The Rufais

THE RETURN OF RELIGIOUS SECTS Allah, Allah, Allah… » Two dozen~worshippers chant the name of their…


Here you will find the links for everything Albania. it will take me some time…

Albanie. XXXIII

Albanie. Skodra 1991 Hôpital des enfants handicapés mentaux à Skodra. Il n’y a plus un…

Michel Setboun

I am open to any interesting project, book, exhibitions, assignments, anywhere on this planet and in the outer space. For professionals, editors, magazines, publishers etc. the IMAGE WEBSITE in the main menu will take you to my pictures database where you can search (with keywords) and download images. You can get more information on me on my BIOGRAPHY PAGE.