Albania Exhibition

Samedi 18 mars , Maison de l’Albanie à Paris

26 Place Denfert Rochereau . Apres toutes les expos ces dernières annèes en Albanie, un petit retour à Paris avec mes amis albanais s’imposait.
Deja Une quarantaine d’histoires dur mon site, en particulier l’histoire de la mariée qui pleure.
D’autres histoires sont  à venir

Albania under the communist regime. BÉRAT (in Enver Hoxha, dead in 1985. /Bérat: portrait du leader Enver Hoxha , mort en 1985 / R220/8 L2192 / R00220 / P0001144
Albania. Berat. religious painting remaining in the ruins of the destroyed church of Saint Eloy -Saint ilia’s ; destroyed by the communist regime
Albania under the communist regime. man sunbathing near a blockhouses are every where, on the beaches, at the corner of the streets.: beach of DURRES.
Albania . Durres 02/03/1991. refugees trying to escape from the country; In the port of Durres
Albania . Durres 02/03/1991. refugees trying to escape from the country; In the port of Durres
Albania under the communist regime. Durres- realistic socialist style still the major impression in this country. / Durres ; le réalisme socialiste règne toujours en maître / R00220/150 L2325 / R00220 / P0001278
Albania under the communist regime. Elbassan ironworks`factory has never been opened to foreign visitors: it is very understandable when you look at the XIX th century aspects of` the work… In a kind of Zola World
Albania. Elbassan. Church of Saint Mary in Elbassan, this women show a box with catholic relics Elbassan Albania / Église Sainte Marie à ELBASSAN. Une jeune femme montre un coffre où des reliques ont été miraculeusement conservées Elbassan Albanie / R00215/20 L0006658 / P0002442
Albania under the communist regime. A movie-truck crosses the country and travels among the distant villages in the area of GYROKASTRA and shows the last Albanian productions. / R00039/42 L2238 / P0001190 /
Albania. Rebirth of Christianism after the collapse of the communist regime. In the north. This farmer show a cross , hidden underground during the communist regime; The religion was forbidden by law north / le regime communiste est en decomposition, la religion reprend ses droits; ce paysan nous montre une croix qu’il avait enterrée il y a 25 ans ans dans son jardin Nord Albanie
Albania under the communist regime. GYROKASTRA is another museum city with ottoman style. The singularity can be found in the type of the rooves. In the streets, the banderoles celebrating May the first. / Gyrokastra , ville musée de style ottoman; signes particuliers les toits en lauses. R00220/58 L2208 / R00220 / P0001161
Albania. First traditional wedding in Rragami, in the north at the end of communism, the tradition are stil very strong
Albania in september 1990 under the communist regime. Corn harvesting in the north-east, KUKES. Children often help their parents. /Récolte du mais dans le nord-est près de Kukes, les enfants sont souvent mis à contribution pendant les récoltes. / R00220/93 L2414 / R00220 / P0002348
Abania in 1981 Korca city under the communist regime a .horse car in the street. pass by a staline statue
Berat. The priest Vangjel Xoxe. First easter orthodox mass since the end of communism in the Kisha e Shen Thomait church, transformed in warehouse during communism
Albania under the communist regime. The beach of DURRES along the Adriatic. / Plage de Durres sur le bord de líAdriatique / R00039/39 L2250 / P0001202 /
Albania under the communist regime. Realistic socialist style painting in a street of KORCA. / KorÁa: peinture murale : ìGloire au parti du travail albanaisî / R220/7 L2191 / R00220 / P0001143
Albania under the communist regime. 120- Like in a comic strip of Tintin, this iron door wit the Albanian b lack eagle is the symbol of the closure of the country. / Comme dans un bande dessinée de Tintin, cette porte métallique ornée de l’aigle noir albanais est le symbole de la fermeture du pays. / R220/80 L2304 / R00220 / P0001256
Albania.1990/08 PRESPA Lake, on the three border-lines (Greek, un Yugoslav and Albanian, a small retired village. The people speak Macedonian.
Albania under the communist regime. wedding of Tasha Sejko in SARANDA: on the Adriatic coa
Albania. Rebirth of Christianism after the collapse of the communist regime. Shkoder. Skodra cemetery. first place liberated by the population. first communion and baptism, the religion was forbidden by law during the communist regime Skodra L0006646
Albania. Rebirth of Christianism after the collapse of the communist regime. Shkoder. Skodra cemetery. first place liberated by the population. first communion and baptism, the religion was forbidden by law during the communist regime Skodra L0006646
Albania. Shkoder. may 1993 Mere Theresa praying on the ruins of achurch, destroyed by the communist regime in 1967. On her side father Zeff Pllumi priest who was just liberated from the goulag after 26 years
Albania. 1993 04 Shkoder. scenes of devotion. people crying for the cross in the cathedral for the first mass; During the communist regime the cathedral was transformed in a sport palace Skodra Albania / scènes de dévotion religieuse dans la l’ancienne cathédrale de Skodra , transformée en palais des sports pendant le régime communiste. Le jour de la visite de Mère Thérésa. Skodra Albanie / R00215/58 L0006667 / R00100 / P0001085
Albania. Skodra market Skodra Albania / le marché de Skodra sous la pluie et dans la boue. Image de désolation dans la campagne albanaise dans laquelle on retrouve l’atmosphère des romans d’Ismail Kadaré Skodra Albanie / R00215/86 L0006697 / P103907
Albania under the communist regime. One of the very rare pictures of the Albanian leaders during the demonstration of May Day. They are almost inaccessible and never go out of the country. Ramiz Alia is the second one on the left. /Une des rares photos des dirigeants albanais pendant le défilé du 1er mai. Ceux ci sont pratiquement inaccessibles, vivent dans une zone réservée, et ne sortent jamais du pays. Ramiz Alia est le 2em à gauche. / R220/65 L2257 / R00220 / P0001209
Albania under the communist regime. Since the 9th P.T.A. plenum at the beginning of 1990, the Albanian are allowed to own their personal sheep. They are taking care of them as pets.
Albania under the communist regime. since the end of 1988 , the Albanian people raised a huge gold statue of their great leader, Enver Hoxha on the main place of TIRANA / En 1988, pour le centième anniversaire de la naissance d’Enver Hoxha, les albanais ont érigé sur la grand place de Tirana, une immense statue dorée de leur grand dirigeant disparu .
Albania Tirana 1988 Tractors factory Enver Hoxha. Assembly lines are settled in tunnels digged in the mountains. This factory is regarded as a strategical site. These tractors are built according to a chinese model which is already twenty years old. /Usine de tracteur à Tirana.Des tunnels creusés dans la montagne servent d’atelier de montage. Cette usine est considérée comme un lieu stratégique. Ces tracteurs sont calqués sur un modèle chinois qui a déjà plus de 20 ans.
Albania under the communist regime. Fine Arts school of TIRANA. Abstract is banished. Realism is taught only, according to the idea that artists must work for the people. / L’école des beaux arts de Tirana. L’art abstrait est banni. On y enseigne uniquement le réalisme socialiste, car les artistes “doivent être au service du peuple”. / R220/145 L2233 / R00220 / P0001185
Albania. Fine Arts school of TIRANA. socialist Realism is over but it’s the same atmosphere Tirana Albania / École des Beaux Arts. L’art socialiste est abandonné mais l’ambiance n’a pas vraiment changée. Tirana Albanie / R00215/99 L0006683 / P103928
Albania. people fighting to get bread Tirana Albania / émeutes devant une boulangerie; la farine manque partout; le pain représente 80%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% de l’alimentation quotidienne des albanais, des émeutes éclatent régulièrement dans le pays à cause du manque de nourriture. Tirana Albanie / R00215/78 L0006693 / P103901
Albania. Tirana Maternity Albania / Maternité de Tirana nouveau né Albanie / R00078/63 L2477 / P0001759
Albania. first fame strike of the former political prisonners (during the communist regime) in Tirana indoor stadium. the new governement has liberated all the political prisonner , but they have nothing has been done for them in terms of housing or work.
Albania. Staline statue , hidden in a factory. (was at the entrance of the textile factory Albania / cette statue se était à l’entrée du combinat textile de Tirana. elles sont cachées dans un entrepot controlé par le parti communiste Albanie / R00078/2 L0007202 / P0001398
Albania. VLADIMIR METANI, ARTIST SCULPTOR , WORKING IN AN OLD FACTORY WITH STATUES OF LENINE , STALINE AND ENVER HOXHA Tirana Albania / le sculpteur Vladimir Metani dans son atelier ou sont remisees les statues de Staline / LENINE / HENVER HOXHA Tirana Albanie / L0009437 / / P118549
Albania. Tirana. Former orthodox cathedral transformed in a sport palace where the junior team of` the country is training.
Albania. Rebirth of Christianism after the collapse of the communist regime. Tirana. Orthodox cathedral of Tirana, first mass. in this church transformed in a sport palace under the communist regime / Cathédrale orthodoxe de Tirana; première messe dans cette église qui avait été transformée en gymnase Albanie / R00215/102 L2493 / P0001769
Albania. Valias coal mine and factory Valias Albania / Mine de charbon de Valias, le pays est encore parsemé de ces symboles du socialisme triomphant. alias. L’état de délabrement de l’industrie albanaise dépasse tout ce que l’on a vu à l’Est , pendant ces dernières années. Valias Albanie / R00215/12 L0006687 / P103890
Albania. destruction of a state farm. the last symbols of the communist regime are destroyed Tirana Albania / Les derniers symboles du communisme disparaissent un à un: Du passé faisons table rase est un slogan communiste très à la mode en Albanie en 1991. dans toutes les campagnes les coopératives sont démantelées, la terre est privatisée et les bâtiments symboles de l’oppression sont détruits pierre par pierre. Comme on manque de tout , tout est récupéré par les paysans même, les vieux clous rouillés.
Albania august 08 1987 . Dervician village traditionnal wedding of Elektra and Ilia Rajdho; under the communist regime. Wedding in the village of DERVICIAN (Dropul) near the greek border. God was abolished by law , the church are destroyed or closed
Albania august 08 1987 . Dervician village traditionnal wedding of Elektra and Ilia Rajdho; under the communist regime. Wedding in the village of DERVICIAN (Dropul) near the greek border. God was abolished by law , the church are destroyed or closed

Michel Setboun

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