Salvador. Killing of Journalists
El Salvador civil war in march 1982 the bodies of four dutch journalists killed by the extreme right, in Chalaltenango area, in the mortuary El Salvador
les cadavres de quatre journalistes hollandais , tues sans doute par les escadrons de la mort; dans la region de Chalaltenango. a la morgue Salvador andries Koster jan Willemsen Jan Kuyper Hans Laag
Civil war in 1982
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Rêve de Révolution English text follow Je ne sais pas bien pourquoi j’ai commencé ce nouveau projet par cette histoire du Salvador que tout le monde a oublié. C’est une de ces…
SALVADOR. Civilians in civil war
El Salvador civil war in march 1982 the bodies of four dutch journalists killed by the extreme right, in Chalaltenango area, in the mortuary El Salvador …
El Salvador. Chalaltenango slaughter
Civil war in El Salvador in 1982 El Salvador. mars 1982 civil war burial of the victims after the killing in Chalatenango; the civilian have to money to pay the coffins,…
Children Guérilleros
Civil war in El Salvador in 1982 During El Salvador’s Civil War (1980-1992), many children were forcibly conscripted as child soldiers by guerrilla groups. These children were used as fighters, messengers,…
El Salvador Guérilleros
Civil war in El Salvador in 1982 With the Guérilleros. Dreaming of Revolution My new text is coming soon FEB 1982 REF: 19858 Guerrillas of the FARN (Armed Forces of National Resistance) have one…
Salvador Civil war 1982
Civil war in 1982 Link to my image database It’s another website where You can search with keywords. Don’ get lost En attendant la publication des nouvelles pages , voici un…
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